Lucca’s water-pipe – L’acquedotto del Nottolini
Are you in Lucca and would like to see something more than city walls, towers and churches? Would you like to take a walk in the countryside, but don’t feel like seating too much? Than try following the monumental water-pipe, built between 1823 and 1833 by Lorenzo Nottolini, upon request of Duchess Maria Luisa di Borbone.

Acquedotto Nottolini – Tempietto

Acquedotto Nottolini – Particolare

Acquedotto Nottolini – Tempietto

Acquedotto Nottolini
It is an easy 3-km stroll, with beautiful landscapes, clean air and a nice place to rest at the end of the track (Parole D’Oro)
You can walk, bike or run and if your best friend is with you… he will definitely love it!

Parole D’Oro
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